Time in a Bookstore

Thanksgiving for me was a wonderful trip to daughter and family in the Washington, D.C. area—Oak Hill/Reston/Chantilly in Northern Virginia to be precise. Great food prepared by team-family, all night shopping with teenagers, and sleeping late a couple of mornings. By Saturday afternoon, I was ready for a book-fix. I drove to a Barnes and Noble at Fair Lakes Mall and made myself at home in the picture book section among grandparents buying Christmas gifts and little people charmed by so many books in one place. I found authors—new and veterans—who had come up with fresh ideas (fantasy superheroes) and new takes on old topics (zoo animals and monsters). I especially like Mo Willems’ picture books—When the Pigeon Drives the Bus, etc., etc.

A new book by Willems, entitled Because, takes a different slant from his usual comic approaches. He begins each of the first thirteen pages with the word “Because” and creates a story about a young girl interested in music who attends a symphony concert and evolves/works hard to become a professional conductor. It’s a tender story about how children (and adults) are influenced at unexpected times in unexpected places. It’s tagged for 4-8 year-old readers; I would change that to 4-80 year-old readers. Beautiful illustrations further the mystical message and enhance the reading experience. All in all, my three hours at Barnes and Noble was magical, and I will do it again and again. If not a bookstore, then a library where I bring my own chai latte.

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